“Understanding is Boring”

So excited for the 12 Powers club and its opening day! What a perfect time for me to be on sabbatical when I can really delve into these spiritual gifts and practice them in new ways. I remember when I was teaching a 12 powers class, one of the students said that “Understanding” was her least favorite power. I think she thought it was kind of boring. That made me want to work with it even more. And over the years it has actually become like a magic key that has unlocked so much power in my life. When I am tempted to feel helpless in an overwhelming situation, maybe wondering why it’s happening, I remember to draw on my power of understanding and am able to see through the eyes of spirit. I remember that I have the love, wisdom, strength, and creativity to rise above what’s happening and reveal more of my own divine potential. I understand that I am a spiritual being and God is the only power working in my life. I am now free to offer compassion and support, without needing to control or change someone else in the process. I understand spirit is my only source of good and nothing and no one can separate me from that good. My power of understanding shows me a whole new reality in this human experience. And of course what we see and understand we create more of … the possibilities are endless! Looking forward to meeting you out there on this amazing journey! 💜

2 Responses

  1. I hope to “understand” my power of “understanding” better through this next couple of weeks. The first power is a true challenge for me because intellectual understanding is so shallow compared to real life, practicing of understanding.
    If that sounds confusing-believe me, it is. So simple, yet so hard….

  2. Power-FULL and thought-provoking insights, Rev. Kitty. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and comments.
    Many Blessings,
    Ann 🙂

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