I Will – Megon McDonough

A SpiritRise Songwriting Workshop generally starts with open hearts, a blank roll of paper, colored markers and a topic that serves as a springboard for the writing session. This particular gathering (with myself, Parker Meredith, Suzanne Case, Leilah Siegel and Ron Siegel) began with our reflecting on the power of “Will”. What presented itself was the idea of our personal will guided by the Divine. We also felt that ‘will’ is not only our decisive capacity, but it is our creative, declarative opportunity. So it is. Here is the song we wrote. We all did a happy dance when our friend Megon McDonough said yes to singing this song. Megon, you made it come to life – thank you!!!

I Will

Written by Suzanne Case, Leilah Siegel, Ron Siegel,
Parker Meredith, Kim-Char Meredith

Let my every word be a divine decree
I will it so –  let it be

I declare peace, I call forth harmony
I choose compassion, I call forth unity
Let my every word be a divine decree
I will it so –  let it be

I declare vibrant health, I claim abundance and easy thriving
I choose balance, I call forth perfect timing  (BREAK)

Most of all, I will that Your will be done
And I will love, I will, I will love…  
Let my every word be a divine decree 
I will it so –  let it be

Let my every word be a divine decree
I will it so –  so let it…I will it so –  so let it…I will it so –  so let it be

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