The Creative Process in the Individual, and The Art of Abundance

Power:  Order 

When contemplating the spiritual Power of Order, two books came immediately to mind.  They are diverse in nature –  so completely diverse – that I was having trouble choosing one, I opted to share them both with you! 

Book Recommendation #1:   

By Thomas Troward  
DeVorss Publications 

“It is an old saying that ‘Order is Heaven’s First Law.”  So begins Chapter One of The Creative Process in the Individual, an obscure but classic metaphysical work.   

It continues… 

“Order is Heaven’s First Law,” and like many other old sayings, it contains a much deeper philosophy than appears immediately on the surface.  Getting things into a better order is the real secret of progress (in using Law)….not because the laws of Nature have altered, but because we have learnt to arrange things in the right order to produce this result…” 

This work profoundly explores the relationship between Divine Mind and “the individual” in a methodical and pragmatic way that is both mind-expanding and practical.  Buried in Chapter Five (“The Personal Factor”) Troward presents his ideas about the orderly unfoldment of the Seven Substantive Properties of Spirit, providing his argument for the order of each:  Life, Love, Light, Power, Peace, Beauty and Joy.    

 About Thomas Troward (1847-1916):  Troward was a Divisional Judge of the North Indian Punjab from 1869 to 1896 (which helps explain his logical, linear style).  Upon retirement, he devoted himself to his great interest in metaphysical studies.  Troward wrote several small volumes which have had a profound effect on the development of spiritual metaphysics, particularly within the New Thought movement, and the teaching known as Science of Mind.  Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science (a “kissing cousin” to Unity and the work of the Filmores) was profoundly affected by Troward’s work; in fact, it is suggested that at least 25% of the foundation of Science of Mind teachings are attributable to the epiphanies Dr. Holmes experienced upon discovering Troward’s works.   

THE CREATIVE PROCESS IN THE INDIVIDUAL is a meaty chew, even for the more serious metaphysical student.  But for those who take this on, there’s gold to be mined in them thar’ pages. 

Book Recommendation #2:   

Ten Rules for a Prosperous Life 
By Dennis Merritt Jones 
Tarcher Perigee, New York 

With a copyright of 2018, THE ART OF ABUNDANCE is a fresh offering to New Thought library classics, but is such a compelling example of how “Order is Heaven’s First Law,” that I’ve chosen it as an additional example of the spiritual Power: Order. 

The primary focus of The Art of Abundance is to guide readers to evolve their spiritual concepts about abundance and prosperity in a clear, ORDERLY manner.  Author Jones provides definitive steps toward this end, laying them out in an engaging and practical order. 

So, why have I chosen this book, which is such a contrast to the other?  I admit: I am prejudiced about this book, because:  1) Dennis is a personal friend of mine, 2) Dennis is a ministerial peer of mine, but – primarily – 3) I followed the orderly unfoldment of the ten rules and – when I followed it sequentially, It works!  And I believe it works because of the order in which I followed the 10 Rules. 

Truly, “Order is Heaven’s First Law.” 

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