I Imagine Peace

This Morning Musing is about the Power of Imagination and is a prayer for inner and outer peace, and it features a brand new chant of mine, inspired by quotes from A.D. Williams, the Dalai Lama and Yoko Ono, called “I Imagine Peace”.

I imagine peace – for all of us
And it all begins – with me

Om shanti shanti shanti om
Om shanti shanti shanti om 

(An invocation of peace; “shanti” is sung 3 times to represent peace in body, mind and speech) 

Love and Blessings, Nathen 

P.S. Join me live every Wednesday at 10 AM Pacific for my weekly “Morning Musings” broadcast: 


All of my past Morning Musings broadcasts can be found here:

Nathen Aswell
Performing Songwriter / Inspirational Speaker
Encouraging people to live Big Lives one Small Step at a time
(604) 618-4429

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