Neville Goddard: Feeling is the Secret, The Law and the Promise


Power: Imagination

Book recommendations:



And any other books by Neville Goddard
(Various publishers)

Imagination is essential to bringing ideas into manifestation. While we all use the Power of Imagination, the ability to focus our conscious use of imagination is an art that can be cultivated, and Neville Goddard was a master teacher.

Neville Goddard (1905-1972) gained such renown within New Thought circles that he is referred to as simply Neville. He was born in Barbados, West Indies, and at the age of seventeen, came on his own to the United States to study drama. In his twenties he discovered a passion for mysticism, giving up the theatre to devote himself to metaphysical studies and teaching. Combining his flair for oration, depth of metaphysical understanding, and extraordinary gift of imagination, Neville became a magnetic mentor who was followed by thousands. Nearly half a century later, his works are consistently popular. Recently, contemporary author/philosopher Mitch Horowitz, a tireless student of Neville, published his own works on how to use Neville’s concepts more effectively, igniting a renewal of Neville popularity.

In Neville’s words, “The world in which we live is a world of imagination… When man solves the mystery of imagining, he discovers the secret of causation, and that is: Imagining creates reality….” Neville coined a phrase for the activity of using this power: imaginal acts. He taught, “Nothing stands between you and the fulfillment of your dreams but facts – and facts are the creations of imagining. If you change your imagining, you will change the facts.”

I’ve listed two of Neville’s books: Feeling Is The Secret is a short manuscript which will afford the reader a quick taste of Neville’s fundamental concepts. I also chose The Law and the Promise because it was my personal first exposure to his teachings years ago, introducing me to the concept of imaginal acts, which hooked me from my first reading. Neville wrote many other manuscripts, and you cannot go wrong with any of his works.

I hope you’ll discover Neville for yourself – I can only imagine how glad you’ll be!

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