SPECIAL LIVE/ZOOM EVENT: “Seven Initiations For Each of the Powers” with Rev. Blair Tabor

EVENT DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 7 pm CDT

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Zeal and Love from “Your God-Given Potential” by Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann

The Fillmores were absolutists. Their experience, understanding and teaching are profound and deep. Yet, sometimes in our unfolding spiritual journey, we might not be vibrating at their level of consciousness and need a metaphysical leg up. This is especially true of working with the Twelve Powers. Fortunately, we have a clever ally in Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann. Her book, Your God-Given Potential provides seven initiations for each of the powers.

In this session, Rev. Blair Tabor will invite you to join the flow of a rising tide of consciousness for Zeal and Love.

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